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The Mentorship Classroom

The experience of a premium education simplified. The 3 Dimensions are

the essential foundations of all art. These Dimensions make up the

trademark system that JC Barba himself designed after all his

years training and working as a professional. This approach

maximizes speed in learning, and removes the complexity

of practice. All the knowledge of illustration in one method.

For what purpose? To make your skills boundless. 

"Boundless like an Eagle"

This is made for those that want to be taught by JC Barba otherwise there are other places on the internet where you could study art. You are invited to go and check those places out. For everyone else. Welcome. 

How Does the 3D School System Work?


The 3D School functions in "Cycles". Each Dimension is taught in 2 month cycles, then we switch to the next Dimension. Once all 3 Dimensions are covered which takes 6 months. That completes 1 cycle. In 12 months a student would have completed each dynamic twice, equaling 2 cycles. Giving the student a solid foundation to the 3 Dimensions of Art. This alone will prove to significantly increase each students illustration and invention abilities.

This is a 3 hour online class taught through Zoom every week. 1hr Live lecture, 1hr live demonstration and 1hr Q&A per session. Video tutorials & projects are assigned for completion every week.  There will be a "Badge System" set up to keep track of students cycles & reps.

Classes are taught by JC Barba directly and the class will be limited to only 10 students.  




The goal is simple. Complete 5 Cycles this accomplishment equals graduation with an Eagle Class Certificate of Authority. Completing 10 Cycles will equal The Eagle Apex Certificate of Dominion. This is for the few. The ones that are chasing greatness in their art.  Each Certificate will be branded with the name and signatures of Art Professionals that have 10 plus years of industry experience. Each giving their name and reputation as testament in order to validate the graduate as a ready contributor to the society of art. 




Imagine successfully completing 3 cycles. By this point the student will demonstrate competence in their new found abilities. Having undergone  an extensive deep dive into Anatomy: covering the whole body in detail, Life Drawing: covering the tools of drawing and gesture, Observation: the vision compass for shape and tone evaluation, Rendering: the ability to bring forth the quality of light, Design: the ability to bring the eye candy factor, and Perspective: the building blocks of mechanical invention. Truth be told. Every student will experience different levels of skill acquisition depending on how many repetitions and degree of effort each one of those receptions received. This is the realistic factor that  determines a students progress. The greatest class curriculum could be provided but if a student doesn't fully apply themselves they will have sub optimal results. For this matter JC Barba is only looking for students committed for the long run. This is not a 100 meter dash it is a marathon. 

Goals and Graduation

Class Resume and Expectations

These are the 3 Dimensions of Art

1. Anatomy - A deep course on the anatomy of the figure. We cover it all. 


2. Life Drawing - The tools of drawing, gesture and visual communication.  


3. Perspective - The building blocks to mechanical inventions. 


 Rendering - Technical drills for lighting, shading and color theory.     

Design - The principles and elements to logos, characters & environments.



Class Tuition - $500 subscription per month.

You will be officially enrolled and have access to all these bonuses. 


Bonus 1:  Students will be given a signed copy of The Creation of Man Anatomy book. ($100.00 value)

Bonus 2: Access to a comprehensive video Instructional library. ($10.00 value)

Bonus 3: Access to a private Discord Community with the upper class men and instructor. ($75.00 value)

Bonus: Class #1 - Building a Story Making an engaging Animatic ($195.00 value)

Bonus Class #2 - Animal Anatomy V1 ($195.00 value)

Bonus Class #3 - Animal Anatomy V2 ($195.00 value)

( Total Value in Bonuses $780.00 )



Special Spring Sign Up Offer  $500   $395 subscription per month. 



Tuition Investment
Every journey has a beginning.  Begin yours now and meet your instructor and classmates. 



Sign up now to permanently lock in the $395 price for your entire tuition experience.

Do this before the Spring Special ends and all 10 student slots have been taken up.


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